Mission Statement:
Providing quality materials and support for every student.
Students can access the online library catalog HERE.

1) Use a quiet voice.
2) No horseplay.
The library is open unless posted on the glass wall in the Commons Area.
Books are due in 14 days.
Books can be returned to the RED BOXes by the office and outside the library in the upstairs hall.
Late fines are 5 cents per day, up to 30 days.
If you have a fine, you are not able to check out another book until that fine is paid.
SORA books are due in 14 days, and are automatically returned – no fine!
- Setup code: wcsdut

Contact us!
Ms. Cozzens – gro.21khsaw@snezzoc.lyrehc
Mrs. May
Mrs. Harris
Mrs. Smith
Mrs. White